

Emphasizing Digital Efficiency

Two years ago, PayPerWash adopted Outlay for their expense management, which has since generated substantial value. With Outlay’s fully digital and paperless expense management solution, the process has become exceptionally efficient at PayPerWash.

Optimized Expense Management with Outlay's Digital Solution

PayPerWash was introduced to Outlay when they became an outsourcing client of Keepers. As a company that is already highly digital, the transition to Outlay’s expense management solution was ideal. They have been utilizing Outlay for nearly two years and are experiencing significant value from the fully paperless and 100% digital solution, which integrates seamlessly with their accounting system and features intuitive approval workflows

“We are already a very digital company, and when we were introduced to Outlay’s solution with full integration to our accounting system, including an efficient electronic approval workflow… Well, it didn’t take long to take action!” – Peter Jensen, Founder & Group CTO at PayPerWash.

PayPerWash provides a complete laundry solution, making it completely hassle-free for housing associations to have a shared laundry facility. PayPerWash supplies and installs the entire laundry setup for the customer, handling everything from investment and ownership to daily operations, administration, maintenance, and support. With PayPerWash, residents of the housing association can easily manage their laundry schedules through an app.